Stratcom Public Forum - The Hague

FEBRUARY 17, 2025 | The Hague, Netherlands

A panel titled 'Stratcom Public Forum: A Fairer World is Possible' was held in the administrative capital of the Netherlands, The Hague, jointly organised by the Directorate of Communications and the Embassy of Türkiye in The Hague.

The panel was attended by Selçuk Ünal, the Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to The Hague, Sudan's Charge d'Affaires in The Hague Omaima Mahmoud Ahmed Alsharief, former Dutch Ambassador to Ankara Nikolaos van Dam, as well as counsellors and members of the diplomatic corps working in diplomatic missions in The Hague, alongside international officials, academics, journalists, and other guests. The Presidency’s Head of Communications, Fahrettin Altun, addressed the panel via video message.

At the end of the program, the participants had the opportunity to enjoy a screening of the documentary “Devrim” (Revolution). The documentary chronicles the life of Turkish painter Devrim Erbil, from his initial discovery of painting in Anatolia during the Second World War to his evolution into a universal artist.

Stratcom Public Forum - Budapest

FEBRUARY 13, 2025 | Budapest, Hungary

The "Stratcom Public Forum: A Fairer World is Possible" panel was held by the Presidency's Directorate of Communications in Budapest, the capital of Hungary.

At a time when the international system is facing increasing uncertainties, injustices, and global challenges, international organisations are struggling to develop effective solutions to contemporary challenges, and multilateralism is losing ground. In this context, Türkiye's entrepreneurial and humanitarian foreign policy approach continues to strive firmly for the establishment of an inclusive, transparent, responsible, and multilateral system to create a fairer world.

As part of Türkiye's objective, the "Stratcom Public Forum: A Fairer World is Possible" panel, which was pioneered by our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with the motto, "The World is Bigger than Five" and held in Budapest, Hungary, by the Presidency's Directorate of Communications, hosted discussions about ways to make the international system fairer by putting international law, human rights, legitimacy, and dialogue at the forefront.

A roundtable meeting was also held with the participation of academics and public officials as part of the panel. The attendees participated in the screening of a documentary on the life of painter Devrim Erbil following the event's conclusion.

Stratcom Public Forum - Bern

FEBRUARY 12, 2025 | Bern, Switzerland

In Bern, the capital of Switzerland, a panel titled "Stratcom Public Forum: A Fairer World is Possible" was organised by the Directorate of Communications of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye and the Turkish Embassy in Bern. The Presidency's Head of Communications Fahrettin Altun sent a video message to the panel.

The panel began with a video screening on the theme "A Fairer World is Possible," which emphasised the need for reform in international institutions, and proceeded with opening remarks.

Türkiye's Ambassador to Bern Şebnem İncesu, Consul General of Zurich Fazlı Çorman, Consul General of Geneva İpek Zeytinoğlu Özkan, Head of the Swiss Turkish Society (ITT) Suat Şahin, Communications Counsellor of the Turkish Embassy in Bern Bayram Altuğ, international officials, academics, journalists, and other guests attended the panel.

A photo exhibition titled "Century of Türkiye" was organised as part of the Stratcom Public Forum panel series, which focused on the theme "A Fairer World Is Possible." Additionally, a documentary was screened, chronicling the life of painter Devrim Erbil, which spanned over 60 years. Numerous guests attended the screening.

Stratcom Public Forum - Vienna

FEBRUARY 10, 2025 | Vienna, Austria

The Stratcom Public Forum, organised by the Directorate of Communications in various countries, was held under the theme "A Fairer World Is Possible." The event, which was held for the first time in Vienna, the capital of Austria, focused on the problems of global governance, the crises of the international system, and the role of international institutions and organisations in establishing a sustainable and fair system.

At the initial round of the panel series held in Vienna, the event commenced with the screening of the "Stratcom Public Forum Themed" video, followed by the presentation of a message from Head of Communications Professor Fahrettin Altun, which was sent specifically for the panel.

Ambassador Levent Eler, Türkiye's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vienna Office, delivered the opening speech of the panel, which was moderated by Professor Giray Sadık from Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University. The panel featured retired diplomat Klaus Wölfer, Associate Professor David Campbell from the University of Vienna, journalist and retired diplomat Dr. Harvey Dzodin, UN Correspondents Association Vienna Office Secretary-General Hermann Kroiher, and National Defence University Associate Professor Emrah Aydemir as speakers.

A photo exhibition titled "Century of Türkiye" was organised as part of the Stratcom Public Forum panel series, which focused on the theme "A Fairer World Is Possible." Additionally, a documentary was screened, chronicling the life of painter Devrim Erbil, which spanned over 60 years. Numerous guests attended the screening.

Stratcom Public Forum - Rio de Janeiro

NOVEMBER 16, 2024 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Directorate of Communications organized a Roundtable Meeting titled “Combating Disinformation in Global Governance: The Role of the G20 and International Cooperation” in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which hosts the G20 Leaders Summit.

In the meeting, attended by academics, journalists, civil society representatives and private sector executives, it has been discussed that the prevalence of disinformation on digital platforms and the measures that need to be taken at national and international levels to counter this problem, and the role that G20 countries can play in this process.

Stratcom Public Forum - New York

SEPTEMBER 20, 2024 | New York Yale Club

The Directorate of Communications organized the "Stratcom Public Forum," the first international event of the Strategic Communication Summit, in New York, where a thorough discussion of strategic communication's role in the face of global uncertainties took place.

At the panel held at the New York Yale Club, with the theme "Strategic Communication in the Era of Global Uncertainties," experts and academics discussed current issues in strategic communication and crisis management approaches and shared their experiences with examples.

Stratcom Public Forum - Baku

NOVEMBER 11, 2024 | Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku, Azerbaijan hosted the 29th Summit of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP29 on 11-22 November 2024. On the sidelines of COP29, the Republic of Türkiye Presidency’s Directorate of Communications organized a roundtable meeting on Strategic Communication in the Global Climate Crisis on 11 November 2024.

Stratcom Public Forum is a sub event of the International Strategic Communication Summit (Stratcom Summit), organized annually by the Presidency’s Directorate of Communications. It brings together strategic communication experts from public institutions, international organizations and civil society organizations, as well as leading academics in their respective fields, to discuss global agenda items. Stratcom Public Forum aims to draw attention to the importance of strategic communication and international cooperation in combating global uncertainties.

Stratcom Public Forum - Budapest

NOVEMBER 7, 2024 | Budapest, Hungary

The Directorate of Communications organized a roundtable titled “Countering Disinformation in Europe: Building a Resilient and Secure Future” in Budapest, Hungary on November 5, 2024.

Organized in Budapest within the scope of Stratcom Summit, a brand in the field of strategic communication, the event addressed prominent topics on the international agenda such as new media, hybrid threats, artificial intelligence and combating disinformation.

Addressing the participants at the meeting via video message, Presidency's Head of Communications Fahrettin Altun stated that building a resilient and secure future depends on building a healthy communication ground, which is extremely valuable in international relations as in every stage of life.