Head of Communications of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Fahrettin ALTUN
Chief Advisor to the President of the Republic of Türkiye
Akif Çağatay KILIÇ
Akif Çağatay Kılıç studied economics and political sciences at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. Following graduation, Kılıç held various positions in the private sector and served as an advisor and deputy chief of cabinet to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the current President of Türkiye.He was elected as a Member of Parliament for Samsun Province in the 24th Parliamentary General Elections and has participated in numerous roles, including serving on the Turkish Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and as Chairman of the Türkiye-Germany Friendship Group.Kılıç was appointed Minister of Youth and Sports in the 61st Government of Türkiye on December 25, 2013, and continued in this role under the 62nd and 63rd Governments. He was re-elected as an MP for Samsun in the 25th and 26th terms and served again as Minister until June 2017. In the 27th Parliamentary elections, Kılıç was elected from Istanbul Province and held various leadership positions, including Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He is currently the Chief Adviser to the President.
Assistant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Hikmet Hacıyev
Since November 2019, Hikmat Hajiyev has been Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Head of the Department of Foreign Policy Affairs of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Since 2000, he has been working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2003 he was posted to the Azerbaijani mission to NATO. Between 2008 and 2009 he served at the UN and with the International Security Department of the Foreign Ministry. In 2009 he was posted to the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Kuwait and in 2010 was transferred to the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Egypt. Hikmet Hajiyev graduated from Baku State University’s international relations and international law department with a bachelor’s and master’s degree. He continued his education at the NATO Defence College and Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Republic of Serbia
Dejan Ristic
Dejan Ristić bir tarihçi ve tarih yazımı, kültürel mirasın bütünsel korun+G7ması ve yönetimi alanında önde gelen uzmanlardan biridir. Şu anda Sırbistan Enformasyon ve Telekomüniskasyon Bakanı olarak görev yapmaktadır. Tarihçi, çevirmen, senarist ve kültürel mirasın bütüncül korunması ve yönetimi alanında önde gelen uzmanlardan biri olan Dejan Ristic, diplomasi tarihi (19. yüzyılın sonları ve 20. yüzyılın başlarında Sırp-İngiliz ve Sırp-Fransız ilişkileri; 1954'ten bu yana Yugoslav-Cezayir ilişkileri), Holokost, 20. yüzyılda devlet ile geleneksel dini topluluklar arasındaki ilişki, kültür tarihi ve hafıza kültürü ile ilgilenmektedir.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, TRNC
Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu
Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu is a Turkish Cypriot politician. He served as a member of the Assembly of the Republic representing the Lefkoşa District between 1998 and 2018. During this time, he was a member of the National Unity Party (UBP) between 1998 and 2010, serving as the leader of the party between 2006 and 2008. He returned to the UBP in 2012 and remained its representative until the end of his tenure as an MP. He served in different ministerial positions, including a five-year tenure as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense between 1998 and 2004. He has been Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2022.
Minister of Information, Republic of Lebanon
Ziad Makary
Ziad Theodor Makary holds advanced degrees in architecture from the University of Balamand’s Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA) and the Paris-Belleville School of Architecture (ENSAPB), focusing on Islamic architecture and Mediterranean heritage. As a full-time professor at the Lebanese University, he is an expert in Lebanese architecture and cultural heritage preservation. Makary founded and leads ARCA – Architecture & Design, a prominent firm with projects across Lebanon, Qatar, Morocco, Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, and Mozambique. His research includes a UNESCO study on urban planning in Tripoli and Al-Mina and efforts to preserve the Qadisha Valley archaeological site. He also advises on reconstruction initiatives following the Beirut Blast of August 4, 2020. As Minister of Information, Makary has advanced significant projects, including the preservation and digitization of archives for national media, drafting a new media law, and integrating Tele Liban’s archives into UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register. His initiatives also encompass combating misinformation and promoting Beirut as the Capital of Arab Media, along with establishing.
Minister of Communication and Media, Gabon
Laurence NDONG
Minister of Telecommunications and Digital Economy, State of Palestine
Dr. Abed-Alrazzaq Natsheh
H.E. Abdel-Razzaq Natsheh, Minister of Telecommunications and Digital Economy in Palestine brings over 15 years of experience in data product development and digital transformation, showcasing exceptional leadership across academia and industry. His ability to bridge the gap between academic research and practical application has been pivotal in driving impactful, transformative initiatives, establishing him as a distinguished leader in the field of digital transformation.
Minister of Communication, Media and Culture & Government Spokesperson, Togo
Yawa Ahofa KOUIGAN
University of New Orleans
Abdullah Yasin Nur
He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of New Orleans. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2018. His research interests are Network Measurement and Analysis, Network Topology Discovering and Modeling, Network Security, and Graph Theory. Also, he is very interested in the macroeconomy, the stock market, and the foreign exchange market.
Head of Azerbaijan Media Development Agency
Ahmet İsmayilov
Director General of the Albanian Prime Ministry Media and Communication Agency
Alteo Hysi
In October 2023, Alteo Hysi was appointed by the Prime Minister of Albania as the Director General of the Media and Information Agency.
Alteo Hysi studied political journalism and communication sciences at the Department of Journalism, Faculty of History-Philology, University of Tirana. He also holds a Master’s degree in International Relations. Mr Hysi has attended various international trainings and courses focusing on media ethics, investigative journalism, online journalism and public relations.
Since 2015, Mr Hysi has been part of a team of trainers for local government and local politics at the German “Friedrich Ebert” Foundation. Through this project, he contributes to the political education of Albanian youth on the basics of local government organisation. Mr. Hysi is an ongoing contributor to the Albanian EU accession negotiation process for Chapter 31 “Foreign, Security and Defence Policy” regarding the Strategic Approach to Counter Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI).
Director, AVA Research
Anca D. Goron
Anca Goron holds a PhD in artificial intelligence and over 10 years in research activity in Romania and Argentina, complemented by over 16 years of experience in business and IT&C. Among her current line of work, she addresses topics such as emerging technologies, IoT, SmartCity and e-government solutions, advocating for the application of A.I. based solutions in all areas of life. Anca Goron is also the founder of a tech startup, and in 2018 she was named among Top 100 Female Founders by Forbes magazine. She currently coordinates two Smart City platforms and assists tech startups in implementing AI. At the same time, Anca is an active supporter of women in tech and collaborates closely with organizations worldwide as a mentor and consultant.
Head of AIOps at IBM
Andreas Horn
Seasoned leader in AIOps at IBM with a rich international background. Having lived, worked, and studied across Europe, America, and Asia, including Shanghai, Prague, London, and Barcelona, he brings a global perspective to his role. With 7+ years at IBM and prior experience at Microsoft, Andreas leads a dynamic team specializing in AIOps and asset-based consulting. He combines strong technical expertise with practical experience in implementing AI solutions for large enterprises, consistently ensuring that technology aligns with and serves business objectives.
Head of Research Group, Johanneum Research
Andreas Windisch
Andreas Windisch is a scientist, researcher, speaker working in the fieldof artificial intelligence, theoretical physics and computer science. He has dedicated his career to discovering innovative solutions and sharing knowledge that inspires positive change.
His work has been featured in several reputable publications and he has presented at numerous conferences and events around the world.
Through his research, public talks and media appearances, he aims to bridge the gap between complex ideas and practical applications and empower others to take informed action.
Federal Minister for Information & Broadcasting, National Heritage & Culture, Pakistan
Attaullah TARAR
Nebrija University
Carlos Galán Cordero
Carlos Galan, Graduate in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid, master’s in international relations and communication from the Camilo José Cela University. He has worked in numerous public and private entities dedicated to the security sector, cybersecurity, hybrid threats and cognitive warfare. He has developed research activities for the European Parliament, NATO, the Spanish Department of National Security, etc. He has been a university professor at numerous universities around the world and is currently the Director of the Master in intelligence analysis and cyberintelligence at Nebrija University in Spain.
Clemson University
Deanna Sellnow
Deanna D. Sellnow (Ph.D.) is Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication at Clemson University. Dr. Sellnow’s research focuses on strategic instructional communication in the contexts of health, risk, safety, and crisis communication (e.g., natural disasters, health, food safety and security, pandemics, biosecurity, terrorism, biotechnology). She has conducted funded research for the U.S. Geological Survey, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, and German Research Foundation. She served as editor of the Journal of Communication Pedagogy and Communication Teacher, and has authored or co-authored numerous books, book chapters, and journal articles.
Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Executive Director at the Development Strategy Centre
Eldor Tulyakov
Eldor Tulyakov is the Executive Director of the Development Strategy Center. In 2015-2019, member of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Committee on Budget and Economic Reforms of the Lower Chamber, and the Central Council of the Milliy Tiklanish Democratic Party. Eldor Tulyakov has been actively involved in various events organized by government agencies, civil society institutions and international organizations, where he gives lectures, makes presentations and comes up with constructive proposals for the further improvement of legislation. Also, he has been taking practical steps to consistently pursue the state youth policy in Uzbekistan.
Founder and President, Trocadero Forum Institute
Ellen Wasylina
Respected trilingual (ENG/FR/GER) European Affairs professional with extensive experience leading operations, projects and staff in public, private and non-profit organisations in France and Europe.
Proven track record in guiding cross-functional teams in the design of cross-cutting business solutions, driving greater efficiencies, engagement and revenues, leading strategic communications, media,advocacy, at the international level. Expert speaker, negotiator, businessperson, able to forge solid relationships with strategic partners and build consensus with internal and external stakeholders.
Head of Government Communications Service International (GCSI), Prime Minister’s Office & Cabinet Office, UK
Emma Turner
Managing Editor of European Union & Italian Political Affairs, Communications Advisor
Federico Grandesso
Grandesso was first appointed as a non-elected member of the cultural commission in the city council of Padova.In 1993 he started working as an assistant journalist as an International correspondent for national Italian, British Belgian and Asian publications.
From 1996 Grandesso collaborated with the local Italian TV Televeneto producing frequent reports on European Affairs.
Grandesso was involved in institutional communication working for four years as media and communication adviser of the Veneto Region Government bureau in Brussels.
Grandesso started collaborating with the Brussels-based leading political weekly New Europe, Grandesso wrote also for Our World a join yearly publication issued together with the New York.
In 2012 he started working for the Fellini Foundation as foreign press officer shortly board member and Asia-EU responsible. Grandesso gave cinema and communication masterclasses and talks at Padova University, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (as an academic guest), Rabindra Bharati and Sister Nivedita Universities both in Kolkata, Ukrida University in Jakarta, Hang Seng University in Hong Kong and University of the World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent.
From November 2022 Grandesso is Director for EU, Asia and cultural affairs of the UK-based magazine NEGlobal and at the same time, he started a collaboration with the Italian national daily Il Giornale D'Italia.
In 2023 Grandesso attended as a journalist the Central Asia Security and Cooperation Forum 2023 in Astana, Grandesso attended also the Tashkent Investments Forum this year and in 2022.He was also invited in Tashkent as monitor journalist during the last presidential elections in Uzbekistan.He did several interviews to political and economic actors of Central Asian countries.
Galatasaray University
Hankuk University
Giwoong Jung
Giwoong Jung is a professor at Hankuk University. He obtained his PhD from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, focusing on the negotiation between the United States and North Korea using two-sided game theory. Jung has also served as president of the Political Science Association, president of the Association for Global Studies Education, and president of the Association for Sport Politics and Diplomacy. He is currently vice president of the Korean Area Studies Association and vice president of the 21st Century Political Science Association. His research interests encompass international cooperation, negotiation, Korean Peninsula Unification, information revolution and power transformation, and sports politics and diplomacy.
Policy and Strategic Communication Advisor
İpek Tekdemİr
İpek Tekdemir is an experienced strategic communication advisor, EU policy analyst and Invited Associate Professor at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat, Romania and European Communication School.
Specializing in AI-driven communication, sustainability and international relations, Tekdemir focuses on fostering diplomatic engagement and advancing sustainable development across the EU, Türkiye, Central Asia and the Middle East.
Throughout her distinguished career, Tekdemir has demonstrated a strong ability to design and implement strategic initiatives that promote intercultural understanding and collaboration. She has led high-level negotiations and partnerships, contributing to regional stability and the advancement of education in politically complex environments.
Research Fellow on Security & International Relations, IFRI
Jean-Christophe Noel
Jean-Christophe Noël is an Associate Research Fellow at Ifri's Security Studies Center. He retired from the French Air Force as a Colonel in 2017. After a career as a fighter pilot, he held several positions in headquarters, where he worked particularly on doctrine or prospective issues.
He was also the deputy head of cabinet of the French Air force’s Chief of staff from 2006 to 2009, a military fellow at the Center for Strategic and International studies in Washington, DC, in 2009, as well as an expert of politico-military affairs for five years at the Center of analysis, planning and strategy (CAPS) of the Ministry of foreign affairs between 2012 and 2017.
Director of Programs, Forward Thinking
Jordan Morgan
Jordan is the Director of Programmes at Forward Thinking, a London based conflict resolution NGO. He has related expertise in frontline mediation, negotiation, and the facilitation of national political and community dialogue processes. He has over eight years of experience working at the highest political and diplomatic levels in the US, Europe, the Gulf, Middle East and North Africa, the EU and the UN.
Deputy Editor and Novelist, Jeune Afrique
Josephine Dedet
French novelist ; journalist and deputy editor-in-chief for Jeune Afrique – a 65-year-old media group based in Paris, France, focused on Africa's news. Following Turkish politics and economic activities for 23 years, contributing to Jeune Afrique magazine, The Africa Report, and various geopolitical publications. Graduate from the Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences-Po Paris). Two Master’s Degree in International and European Community Law.
Executive Director, SETA Foundation Washington DC
Dr. Kadir Üstün
Dr. Kadir Ustun is Executive Director at the SETA Foundation at Washington DC. He holds a PhD in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies from Columbia University and a MA in History from Bilkent University. His writings have appeared in Insight Turkey, Al Jazeera English, Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Al-Monitor, Politico, Daily Sabah, Mediterranean Quarterly, Middle East Eye, and Middle East Policy. He is co-editor of edited volumes History, Politics and Foreign Policy in Turkey (2011), Change and Adaptation in Turkish Foreign Policy (2014), Trump’s Jerusalem Move: Making Sense of US Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2020), Crimea from Regional and International Perspectives (2023).
University of Louisville
Karen Freberg
Karen Freberg, Ph.D., is a professor of strategic communication at the University of Louisville and the director of The Bird's Nest, a strategic communication student agency. She is also an instructor at West Virginia University and NYU. In addition, she was a visiting assistant professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Freberg is a research consultant in social media and crisis communications, having worked with various organizations such as Facebook, NATO, and General Motors. She was a Plank Center Fellow for General Motors, where she focused on social media measurement and influencer marketing. Freberg is an award-winning author of several textbooks, including "The Roadmap to Teaching Social Media" and "Social Media for Strategic Communications." She has been interviewed by various media outlets and has been invited to speak internationally on social media strategy, personal branding, and influencer marketing.
Research Director, SETA Foundation Washington DC
Kılıç Buğra Kanat
Kanat, SETA-Washington D.C. Research Director, is an associate professor of political science at Penn State University, Erie. He received his doctorate in Political Science from Syracuse University, his MA from the same university, and his second MA from Marquette University, in International Relations. Kanat was the recipient of the Penn State University, Erie, Distinguished Research Award and the Faculty Council Research Award in 2015. He has previously participated in the Foreign Policy Initiative’s Future Leaders Program. Kanat’s articles have appeared in Foreign Policy, Insight Türkiye, The Diplomat, Middle East Policy, Arab Studies Quarterly, Mediterranean Quarterly, Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, and Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. He is currently a columnist for Daily Sabah and the deputy editor of History, Politics and Foreign Policy in Türkiye, Change and Adaptation in Turkish Foreign Policy, and Politics and Foreign Policy in Türkiye: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.
Director of EFLL, Political Analyst and Communications Strategist
Klaus Jürgens
Klaus is a professional with a Master's degree in Government Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is also a political analyst and communications strategist. He is a director at Economyfirst Limited London, an international media representation company. His research interests include sustainable neighborhoods, artificial intelligence as a threat or opportunity, reform of the UN Security Council, Türkiye-EU relations, Türkiye's foreign policy, foreign policies of Azerbaijan, the UK and Germany, the branding of the nation-state, the future of NATO and US politics.
Founder, Marlinix
Mahir Yüksel
Yüksel, who started his professional career as a security analyst at the Ministry of Interior, worked in various positions and duties at the Prime Ministry and the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, and worked as a manager at the Cyber Threat Intelligence Center at the Defense Technology and Engineering Inc., a subsidiary of the Presidency of Defense Industries, examining the cyber espionage activities of Russia, Iran and China against Türkiye. In 2019, he founded his own cyber security initiative, “Deepcase,” and in 2021, he received investment from Pavo Group, one of the largest defense industry companies in Türkiye, and became the head of the cyber security company UnifyBytes. UnifyBytes, which has offices in Azerbaijan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and the California Silicon Valley, provides cyber security services to approximately 14 countries with mainly Turkish engineers. Yüksel also serves as the technical leader of CyberThink, our country’s first cybersecurity think tank.
AI Artist
Malik Afegbua
Malik Afegbua is a Nigerian filmmaker, artist, and creative technologist renowned for his innovative approach to arts using AI technology. In January 2023, he gained global attention with "The Elder Series," a collection of AI-generated images depicting seniors in stylish, colorful attire on a fashion runway. Afegbua's work challenges stereotypes about aging in technology and digital media. By combining heritage and technology, she pushes boundaries and attempts to correct preconceptions.
Co-Founder and CEO, Innovative Solution Partners
Mariyah Saifuddin
Mariyah Saifuddin is the co-founder and CEO of Innovative Solution Partners, an IT consulting firm that guides enterprise clients globally in using data to drive business growth. Since 1999, Innovative Solution Partners has been helping businesses save money and maximize their budget dollars by creating custom analytic and reporting solutions for informed decision making. Mariyah’s decades of IT and entrepreneurship experience helps her team fulfill their mission of connecting the dots between people, operations, and technology to achieve clarity across an organization. This includes supporting clients on their AI and Cloud journeys. Innovative Solution Partners is an SAP Services Partner and a certified minority and women-owned small business. She serves as the President for the National Association of Women Business Owners Greater Detroit Chapter as well a Board Director for the food pantry, CARES in Farmington Hills. Mariyah was recently recognized as one of the Top Women in Tech in 2024 by Purpose Jobs, Notable Nonprofit Leaders by Crain's Business Detroit, and was previously recognized as an Enterprising Women Honoree for her commitment to business and the community.
Assistant Secretary-General for Public Diplomacy, NATO
Marie-Doha Besancenot
Marie-Doha Besancenot is a French communications expert and Assistant to the NATO Secretary General for Public Diplomacy. Since 2014, she has worked at Allianz France in managerial positions, focusing on communications since 2020. She has also taught at the French Military College. From 2012 to 2014, she served as an attaché at the Embassy of France in the United Kingdom, and prior to that, as a communications advisor to the Prime Minister. She has an educational background in German and American studies.
Founder, Open Channel Culture
Marisa Zalabak
Marisa Zalabak, an AI ethicist and educational psychologist, specializes in transdisciplinary collaboration and emerging technology strategies. As founder of Open Channel Culture and Co-Founder of the Global Alliance for Digital Education and Sustainability (GADES), she leads innovative approaches to addressing the safety of emerging technologies, future of education, workforce development, and human-machine interactions with a focus on ethical AI and regenerative systems design. As a Senior Fellow at The Digital Economist Center of Excellence and an advisory board member, she leads research and initiatives that promote ethical AI practices, mental wellbeing, sustainable economies, and responsible technological innovation.
Under-Secretary General for Global Communications of United Nations
Melissa Fleming
Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government
Prof. Melodena Stephens
Melodena is an expert, consultant and senior researcher with three decades of experience in senior roles in the private sector, governments, academiaand start-ups.
He is currently Professor of Innovation Management at the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government in Dubai. He is the author of over 175 academic publications.
His areas of expertise include strategic consulting for policy and market development, especially for new technologies, crisis and reputation management, corporate training and design thinking workshops.
Director, UN Information Centre Jakarta
Miklos Gaspar
Miklos Gaspar is the Director of the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) in Jakarta, leading UN communication in Indonesia and the Philippines. He has more than 25 years of experience in public information, communication and international relations, both at the United Nations and externally. His UN experience includes being Chief of Digital Media and Public Information Materials at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and Chief of Communications and Events at the International Trade Centre (ITC). Mr. Gaspar holds a Doctoral degree in Linguistics from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.
State Secretary in the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, Republic of Serbia
Miloš Garic
Expert, Digital National Alliance Bulgaria
Monika Manolova
Monika Manolova is an expert in the development of systems in the sphere of international corporate telecommunications with extensive experience in database management, big data, and data analytics. She holds a PhD in geographic information systems (GIS) from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and has experience on a number of Horizon2020/HorizonEurope projects(full cycle - from proposal development to implementation). She is also a member and champion of the UN-backed Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES) and a leader of the Morality and Knowledge Artificial Intelligence (MKAI) UK Green AI Focus Group (2021), a scientific advisor to MKAI UK and XRSI Europe as well as an author and contributor to multiple international publications, projects, and initiatives on the topic of AI, Ethical AI and XR.
Principal, Global Persuasion Strategies
Prof. Nancy Snow
Nancy Snow is an opinion writer, public speaker, author, and global visiting distinguished professor. She is lead author of Propaganda and Persuasion. A Professor of Communications Emerita at California State University, Fullerton, Dr. Snow is a seasoned professional with a wealth of media and speaking experience in public diplomacy, strategic communications, and propaganda studies, especially in the Indo-Pacific and North American regions.
Director, Forward Thinking
Oliver McTernan
Director and co-Founder of Forward Thinking – a UK based organization that works to resolve conflict through an inclusive dialogue and front line mediation. He is the founder of the Helsinki Policy Forum which convenes policy makers, parliamentarians, diplomats and economists from the MENA/Gulf region and Europe to analyse the challenges facing the region and to explore informed policy responses.
News Director, Yeni Şafak International
Ömer Kablan
Multilingual News Team Manager, AJP News Agency
Sae Jin Park
Associate Director, All Tech Is Human
Sandra Khalil
Sandra Khalil is the Associate Director at All Tech Is Human, where she drives partnerships and collaborations with a focus on stakeholder engagement and amplification of impactful initiatives in the responsible technology ecosystem. She also helps manage the organization’s trust and safety programming. Before joining the team, Sandra spent eight years in federal, municipal, and think tank roles fostering people-to-people connections and supporting globally underrepresented and marginalized communities; this includes posts at the United States Mission to the United Nations, Special Victims Bureau at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, and Center on International Cooperation.
Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO
Tawfik Jelassi
Dr. Tawfik Jelassi was appointed UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information on 1st July 2021. In this position, he is responsible for the Organization’sprogrammes on building inclusive knowledge societies, leading digital transformation, strategizing the role of ICT in education, and fostering freedom of expression. Dr. Jelassiholds a Ph.D. doctorate in information systems from New York University (USA) and postgraduate diplomas from the University of Paris Dauphine (France).
Dr. Jelassi has extensive experience in higher education, scientific research, and information& communication technologies. He held academic, corporate and government leadershippositions in Europe, the USA, and Tunisia. Among others, he was Programme Director and Professor of Strategy and Technology Management at IMD Business School in Lausanne(2015 – June 2021).
Prior to that, he served as Minister of Higher education, Scientific Research and Information & Communication Technologies in the democratic transition government of Tunisia (2014 – 2015). Prior appointments included being Chairman of the Board of Directors of OoredooTelecom in Tunisia, Dean at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris), and Professor & Chairman of the Technology Management Department at INSEAD (Fontainebleau).
Clemson University
Timothy Sellnow
Timothy L. Sellnow is a professor of communication at Clemson University. His research focuses on risk and crisis communication. He has conducted funded research for the Department of Homeland Security, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Geological Survey, and the World Health Organization. He has also served in an advisory role for the National Academy of Sciences, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the International Food and Information Council, and the Food and Drug Administration. He has co-authored seven books on risk and crisis communication and has published many refereed journal articles.
Yarsi University
Tjandra Aditama
Prof Tjandra Aditama currently is the Post Graduate Director of YARSI University in Jakarta, a Professor of University of Indonesia and Adjunct Professor of Griffith University Brisbane Australia. He is also the member of Expert Team of Indonesian President Advisory Council, the Chair Honorary Board, Indonesian Association of Pulmonologist as well as Expert Committee of Indonesian Medical Association and Indonesian Hospital Association.
Regionally and Globally, Prof Aditama is the Chair of Governing Board Meeting SEAMEO Tropical Medicine, Senior Advisor Asia Pasific Cities Alliance for Health and Development (APCAT) and Member of Independent Allocation Vaccine Group (IAVG) – COVAX.
He was a long-serving Indonesian Ministry of Health officer, served as Indonesian Director General Disease Control and Environmental Health and DG National Institute of Health. He also used to became WHO staff member, he served as Senior Advisor to WHO SEARO Regional Director and Director of Communicable Disease WHO SEARO.
Stanford University
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner
Ulrich Brückner is a Berlin-based political analyst and Jean Monnet Professor of European Studies. He teaches in Berlin and at Stanford University in California and became EU Jean Monnet Professor in 2003. Brückner has long worked on issues of European integration and his PhD is on the role of the European Commission in EU policy-making. Brückner has also worked as an academic director at the German Foreign Office, the NATO School and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy.
Scientific Director CeSPI Observatory on Türkiye
Valeria Giannotta
Valeria Giannotta is an Italian academic expert in Turkish politics and international relations. Since 2009 , she has been active in Türkiye where as reseacrher at the Department of International Relations of Boğaziçi Universitesi (Bosphorus University). She is an expert on Turkish politics she regularly takes part ito high-level strategic meetings and gives her contribution to both Italian and international media. She is a member of the Board of Directors of CeSPI (Center for International Politics); of the scientific committee of EIEAD - European Institute for Eurasian Dialogue.
Spokesperson, Belgian National Crises Centre
Yves Stevens
At the communication service of the Crisis Centre (FPS Home Affairs), co-responsible for risk and crisis communication. Took part in the Masterclass Crisis Communication organised by the General Directorate Crisis Centre of Home Affairs at the end of 2013. Is part of the federal Team D5 that can be deployed nationwide in emergency situations. In the context of the activation of the Team D5, active during the pile-up on the A19 in Zonnebeke (December 2013), the Sinterklaas storm (December 2013), the collision of two ships on the Scheldt (January 2015), bus accident in Middelkerke (June 2015), shipping disaster on the North Sea (October 2015) and the terrorist threat (November 2015) and the attack in Brussels (22 March).
Has already given several lectures on crisis communication at various national and international study days. Also guest lecturer at the Postgraduate Disaster Management program (University of Antwerp) and the Antwerp Management School.
AI Policy Expert, Founder&Chairman AI Policies Association (AIPA)
Zafer Küçükşabanoğlu
Founder, NeuroVision AI Tech
Zülal Tannur
Zülal Tannur is the founder and CEO of FROM YOUR EYES. In 2020, she was recognized by Microsoft as one of the Women Leading Technology leaders for her outstanding achievements in technology development. As a technology ambassador for Microsoft both in Türkiye and globally, she has gained in-depth knowledge in image processing, powerful platforms and data analytics. At WeWalk, he served as the program manager for 59 countries for training sessions and worked with Microsoft's headquarters teams in Seattle on projects to localize Microsoft's innovative image processing solutions such as Seeing AI. Her contributions and leadership in technology have been honored by Google with the title of Women TechMaker.
Zülal started her academic journey at Boğaziçi University and was invited to the undergraduate program in neuroscience and cognitive sciences at Arizona State University. Her own company, FROM YOUR EYES, creates advanced machine vision solutions for smart technologies and has achieved great success as a world champion in the Microsoft Imagine Cup. It is also an initiative supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) under the INNOMOTION program.